Saturday, November 27, 2010

This is Joseph Washington Sr who baptized his son Joseph Washington Jr. Because he is 9 Joseph had to have the investigator lessons before he could be baptized and we were priviledged to be able to teach him.

Traditional Thanksgiving dinner with Pres. & Sis. Roggia, Elder and Sister Neves, and the assistants: Elder Hickey and Elder Grabau. Thanks to Sis. Roggia for "smuggeling" a turkey across the Liberian border on their last trip!!!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Saying goodbye (for a while) to Elder Gunderson. We will miss him alot. He has been a great Elder here in the Mission. Serving as president's assistant the last few months. He and Elder Bird met us at the airport when we arrived in Freetown in June (see post of July 2) and we have relied on him for so many things and information. We have grown to love him and hope to see him in another year from now when we go home. But for now, we are sending him home to his family who is anxiously awaiting his arrival in 36 hours. (he flys from Sierra Leone at 5:30 pm on tues, (which is 11:30 a.m in Utah) and he doesn't get there until the next night (wed) at 11:00 pm. Happy Thanksgiving Gunderson Family!

ELDER GUNDERSON ON THE WATER TAXI. We miss you already, have a safe flight home.

ELDER GUNDERSON with PRESIDENT AND SISTER ROGGIA at the Government Wharf before boarding the "water taxi" to take him to Lungi and the airport.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

SURPRISE. You thought we were in Africa .. BUT we are really in Switzerland!!!! (JK). We recently (a few weeks ago) went to dinner with the Ferguson's and their humanatarian group to a restaurant called the Light House on Lumley Beach for dinner. The food was really good and it was fun to visit with his group. They are a great group of people who are doing a wonderful service for the people of Africa. After a week in Sierra Leone, they traveled by car to Liberia for another round of training.