Saturday, October 9, 2010

a Chicken Story

Every Saturday the members in the branches that meet in the building next to the Mission Office come to clean the building. There is one little family, the Massaquoi family, that comes every Saturday. The mother sends her little daughter, Woma (aged 10) and her niece, Enid (8) to the mission office to bring us bananas and oranges and plantain (which when sliced really thin and fried makes great little potatoe-chip like snacks). Last Saturday they brought me something else! A LIVE CHICKEN!!! they had the little hen in an old rice sack and so I asked what was in there and they opened it up and at first I thought it was a dead chicken, but then it lifted it's little head up and stared right at me. Oh my goodness! I could not offend them by not accepting the gift. I tried to tell them that I was not used to getting a live chicken and that I did not know what to do with it. So they proceded to instruct me on how to twist it's head off and pluck it! I walked back with them to their little compound and thanked sister Massaquoi for her generous gift. The next day, I gave them a box of Rice Krispies cereal and a carton of milk. So, this is a picture of Mustafa, to whom I gave the chicken. His family really enjoyed their dinner that night.

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